
Attendance Plan @ CHSPS


Regular attendance is strongly linked to student academic success and a student’s sense of belonging at school. The Education Act reminds parents and students that students are expected to attend school and be punctual every day. Students are only considered to be excused from attending school if they must be away due to:  

  • sickness or other unavoidable cause 
  • the day being recognized as a religious holiday by the religious denomination that the child belongs to 
  • suspension or expulsion
  • an exemption from compulsory attendance granted by the Board for a defined period of time 



  1. School Messenger will report all student lates and absences to parents/guardians twice daily, in the morning and the afternoon.
  2. Parents/Guardians will be contacted by the subject teacher regarding chronic student lates and absences throughout the semester/year. A plan for support will be discussed.
  3. Excessive absenteeism will be referred to the appropriate administrator. Parents/Guardians will be contacted when a student’s absenteeism is negatively impacting their academic achievement.
  4. A letter from CHSPS will be sent to parents/guardians of the student who exhibits poor attendance.
  5. The truancy situation will be referred to OSAR (Office of Student Attendance and Re-engagement). Strategies will be discussed to support the student’s attendance.